PPA is enabled to handle Cape Size vessels of LOA 300 mtrs, Beam 48 mtrs, DWT of 1,18,000 with a maximum draft of 14.5 mtrs
PPA's provisional ID No. for the purpose of GST is - 21AAALP0055A1ZX. The GST will be applicable with effect from 01/07/2017
Simplified process of submission of Life Certificate by Pensioners & Family Pensioners for the Year 2021-22.
All donations towards the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (PMNRF) are notified for 100% deduction from taxable income under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Safety is one of the key drivers of operational efficiency. The reputation of a Port is largely dependent on its safety record and efficiency.
The Paradip Port Authority (PPA) is committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for its users, contractors & employees. Health and safety is PPA’s priority and is not being compromised at any cost.
The port comply all National & International Regulations with regard to the safety of the vessels in Port. In case of fire, accidental flooding, grounding, collisions, man over board etc., the port is well equipped to take prompt and immediate action from land as well as from water side.
PPA shall meet or exceed the requirements of all applicable legislation and regulations with respect to matters of occupational health and safety in the workplace and will require the same of any contractor it engages. PPA further believes that health and safety in the workplace is a shared responsibility and workers are expected to exercise and promote good safety practices