PPA is enabled to handle Cape Size vessels of LOA 300 mtrs, Beam 48 mtrs, DWT of 1,18,000 with a maximum draft of 14.5 mtrs
PPA's provisional ID No. for the purpose of GST is - 21AAALP0055A1ZX. The GST will be applicable with effect from 01/07/2017
Simplified process of submission of Life Certificate by Pensioners & Family Pensioners for the Year 2021-22.
All donations towards the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (PMNRF) are notified for 100% deduction from taxable income under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Online Application for Plot Allotment
This is meant for receiving online applications towards allotment of the vacant cargo plots from the interested Importers / Exporters.
This online application helps the users getting the desired cargo plots for handling their Cargo for Import / Export through PPA. It has got a list of the vacant plots with the details in its Dashboard to select from.
The Port User has to register himself / herself before getting into the benefits provided here by submitting the mandatory details asked for. After acceptance of the request by the Traffic Department he / she are able to apply for the required vacant plots from anywhere in the World.
Users can view the list of vacant plots available with details in the dashboard provided and proceed to apply for the required plots. Our goal is complete transparency.
Here General public and bidders can View / Download the Tender documents Limited to Rupees Two Lakhs published by different Departments of Paradip Port Authority through this portal. The bidders are meant to submit the documents against the Tender in the Box provided in concened Departments.
Paradip Port Authority has implemented e-Tender through Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP), Govt. of India. Tenders having value greater than Rupees Five Lakhs are being published through this portal.
Here bidders are required to possess a Digital Signature to login to the portal, however public can view and download the Tender documents.
Bid Submission, Bid Opening & Award of Contract are completely online satisfying our policy to maintain transparency.
Online Application for Berth Allotment
We receive online applications from the users towards allotment of berth through this system.
The Registered users can view the status of berth allottment of various dates in the dashboard provided. Here the user submits the request for berth furnishing the required details asked for in the form. After confirmation of various parameters the berth is being allotted to the applicant. The users are allowed to give their beth request only 24 hours prior to the expected berthing time of the Vessel, however they are also allowed to edit their applications before acceptance of the same by the Department.
New users are required to download teh Registration form and apply to the department before getting online to apply for the required berth.
We are committed to complete transparency.
Sagar Setu (NLP Marine)
Sagar Setu is a national maritime single window platform encompassing complete end-to-end logistics solutions to help exporters, importers, and service providers exchange documents seamlessly and transact business. The overarching NLP Marine Vision is to cater to various stakeholders in G2G, G2B and B2B model.
It will facilitate real-time information of activities that are generally not in reach of the importer, exporter, customs broker, including vessel-related information, terminal gate, and container freight station (CFS) gate transactions. It also enables digital transactions for payments required for the clearance process of import and export like CFS charges, shipping line charges, transportation charges, etc. It also includes a single-window certification device to approve transactions, as well as the integration of an online payment service. All services and documents generated will be in line with global best practices and standards.
NLP Marine enriches the user experience through complete tracking of the shipment with notifications on each stage, seamlessly exchange of documents and ability to securely transact in transparent and quick manner.
The Key Considerations for NLP Marine
Employees Corner
Online facility provided by Paradip Port Authority to its Regular / Retired Employees to view personal informations like; Salary, Leave details etc.
Employee gets into the the portal by providing the personal login id and password.
Regular employees can also apply for leave online from anywhere by submitting the mandatory informations asked for.
Harbour Entry Permit
This web based online Harbour Entry Permit application is introduced to apply the Harbour Entry Permit application online without physical submission of HEP forms to the appropriate authority.
Users: All Direct and Indirect users of PPA already registered with RFID system and Controlling Officers (all Departments) of PPA.
Process: The online HEP application process starts with the registration of Port Users as well as Controlling officers to use the web based application.