PPA is enabled to handle Cape Size vessels of LOA 300 mtrs, Beam 48 mtrs, DWT of 1,18,000 with a maximum draft of 14.5 mtrs
PPA's provisional ID No. for the purpose of GST is - 21AAALP0055A1ZX. The GST will be applicable with effect from 01/07/2017
Simplified process of submission of Life Certificate by Pensioners & Family Pensioners for the Year 2021-22.
All donations towards the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (PMNRF) are notified for 100% deduction from taxable income under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
With the increasing emphasis on environmental sustainability, Paradip Port Authority has responded to ensure that port operations are environmentally sustainable and committed to improve environmental performance through focused action on the following areas; air quality, energy conservation and climate change, waste management, noise management, and water management (both consumption and quality).
A further environmental concern is the need to reduce greenhouse gases. Sources of air pollution are a concern in Port sector because of the potential harm to both port users and the health of people living in close proximity to the port. The port has taken up various schemes under the Green Port initiative programme for better environment.
Some initiatives have also been taken up by Paradip Port Authority for improvement of environmental quality of Paradip locality, few important ones are furnished as below;
Besides this, PPA has developed and maintaining various Parks, Gardens, and Nurseries in and around the township for the benefit of Port Users, Employees and Public. Avenue plantation is made alongside the main roads connecting to different colonies of the Port. Port monitors the level of Environmental pollution regularly and takes required preventive measures to retain the pollution level within the permissible limit. Paradip Port Trust is making relentless effort in its endeavour to achieve the ultimate objective of a healthy and eco-friendly environment in Paradip locality.