PPA is enabled to handle Cape Size vessels of LOA 300 mtrs, Beam 48 mtrs, DWT of 1,18,000 with a maximum draft of 14.5 mtrs
PPA's provisional ID No. for the purpose of GST is - 21AAALP0055A1ZX. The GST will be applicable with effect from 01/07/2017
Simplified process of submission of Life Certificate by Pensioners & Family Pensioners for the Year 2021-22.
All donations towards the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (PMNRF) are notified for 100% deduction from taxable income under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Port Harbour:
The Port of Paradip has an artificial lagoon type harbour protected by 2 (two) rubble mound “Break Waters” and approached by the dredged channel. The North Break Water is 538 mtrs long on the North-Eastern side of the Port and the South Break Water is 1400 mtrs long on the South-Eastern side.
The position of the Channels inside the harbour is as under:
Approach Channel
10.00 km Long
300.00 mtrs Wide
18.70 mtrs Deep
Entrance Channel
2275.00 mtrs Long
240.00 mtrs Wide
17.10 mtrs Deep
Turning Basin
520.00 mtrs. Diameter
Pilotage & Towage Facilities:
The Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels above 200 MTs Gross Tonnage. The Pilotage service is available to all vessels during 24 hours and 365 days. The Pilot Boarding ground is about 4 Nautical miles SE of Breakwaters/ 01NM south of the Buoy No-04. All the vessels have to inform their ETA prior to entering the Port Limits to the Port Signal Station on VHF Channel: 16 / 06. The Port has 5 Nos. hired Tugs.Out of which 04 Nos. of Thugs having 01 no. of Tugs having Bollard pull of 50 Tones and 01 no. of Tug having Bollard pull of 60 Tones. The Port is having 01 no. of Tig of BP 45 Tons.. All the tugs are fitted with fire fighting equipment for external general and oil fire. The Port is having 5 Nos. of Pilot Launches having speed more than 10 knots, 04 Nos. of Moring boats speed of 08 knotes are also available for passing the Mooring Lines to Berth / Jetty.
Marine Pollutions Control & Reception Facilities
The Port Complies to all the Regulations of MARPOL 73/78 and has a Pollution Control Cell to monitor the Pollution in the Harbour. The Port has a Pollution Control Vessel with a Skimmer, chemical dispersant spray system and Oil Containment Boom. The Port also has a 300 T Oil Reception Barge. The port has engaged security cum pollution response vessel with all required pollution response equipment & the same is installed at SPM area. The Port has engaged private firms having permission from Central Pollution Control Board and State Pollution Control Board to receive waste / used / oily water from the vessels for re-processing / re-cycling as required by MARPOL 73/78 Annexure-I. The Port has also engaged private firms to collect garbage from the vessels in Port as required by MARPOL 73/78 Annexure-V. The reception facilities for other annexures of MARPOL 73/78 can be arranged by advance notice given by ship owners / local agents.
Fresh Water Services:
Adequate fresh water supply services rendered to all vessels at berth through shore connection. All self-propelled fresh water barge is available to supply freshwater up to 350 MT at berth and at anchorage.
Storage Facilities:
AREA (Sq. mtr)
Capacity ( in MT)
Ware House No. I
AREA ( Sq. mtr)
Rail Sidings
Mechanical Ore
Mechanical MCHP
Without Siding
Container Handling Facilities:
The Port handles containers in a limited manner with cargo support from NALCO, Marine Products Exporters, TISCO, JSL and others. The Port has 1000 TEU capacity container yard served with two railway sidings and 15 reefer plug points. One 75 MT and Two 20 MT mobile cranes, two spreaders (40 feet & 20 feet) are available in the Port to facilitate for container handling. These equipment are duly supported by 2 (two) Reach stacker & other container handling equipment from private source.
Storage Area
Equipment Available
Dry Dock / Repairing Facilities:
The Port has a 500 Ton slipway along with workshop for repair and maintenance of Port crafts and barges. A Wet Basin for Port crafts is available close to the Slipway.
The dry dock of dimension 75 mtrs length, 15mtrs width and 11mtrs depth has been constructed at this port to facilitate repairing of crafts. Vessels of (-5.5) mtrs draft can be repaired at Paradip.
Port Railways:
The Port has its own Railway system. The route length is 7.4 Kms and track length of 84 Kms. The Port is equipped with 12 nos. of Locomotives to undertake railway operations which is supported by 6 Locomotives on hire from IPRCL. The Port has one of the finest connectivity to the Indian Railways through East Coast Railways for seamless cargo movement by rail.
1400 BHP
03 (DLW-WDS-6)
1350 BHP
02 (DLW- WDS-6A/D)
3100 BHP
01 (DLW-WDG-3A)
06 (WDM-3A) On hire basis
Port is capable of handling 19 full rake length and 5 half rake length railway sidings.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI):
The Port has introduced EDI facility to all its port users for all payments made to the port. The concept is to connect the port users, the bank and the port for faster and easier transfer of funds. Port users are also submitting their documents to port electronically through PCS (Port Community System)